Lighter Side of Weight Loss: Chapter Fifty-Five
Oculus Quest 2 and Me
I believe in Santa! I actually (virtually) rode in his sleigh, powered by Rudolph and eight (not so tiny reindeer). Flying very high (did I mention I have a height phobia?) over skyscrapers twinkling in the moonlight like steel Christmas trees, I attempted to grab beautifully wrapped presents that magically floated beside the sleigh, and toss them into chimneys for all the good little girls and boys.
There was one major problem. I kept missing the chimneys! Apparently I was not tossing hard enough due to fear of falling out of the sleigh. The reindeer team even tried to help me by slowing down every time they approached a chimney. Santa (or was it the crowd of family members existing in another reality?) tried to reassure me that I was safe. He/they encouraged me to have faith and enjoy the ride.
Which is exactly what I did. I stopped throwing presents and looked around in wonder. I observed the poetry of reindeer in motion. I studied the full moon in front of me. I relished the blissful feeling of peace. I enjoyed the beauty of the quiet night. I trusted Rudolph and friends to fly over and around approaching buildings. I even dared to look far below at all the sleeping homes tucked in for the night.
Christmas has come and gone, but I'm still experiencing that sense of wonder when I remember my ride on The Santa Simulator. Lee Ann Womack expresses those same feelings in her song I Hope You Dance (
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger...
Which brings me to my New Year's Resolution. In order to finally reach my goal weight in 2023, I'm "never taking one single breath for granted. I'm giving faith a fighting chance. And when I get the choice to sit it out or dance, I'll be on the dance floor, keeping my sense of wonder".
Until next time, check the streets for presents that did not come down your chimney. Always keep your sense of wonder. Choose to make the New Year a happy one. And I just remembered in the St. Nick of time (this phrase was stolen from my amazing sister) to help me stay off the Naughty List so Santa will bring me my own Oculus next year.

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